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Festivals & évents

The Bertranges region is an authentic cultural melting pot that sets out to make its own world with words, music, images and an unrivalled sense of conviviality.

Words have their own festival!


La Charité-sur-Loire is one of the last bastions of words and books where words still have a place of honour on walls, in shops and in the hearts of residents. Booksellers with markets and book fairs, and more recently, a new concept, that of “La Charité Priory – City of the Word” managed by a Cultural Meeting Centre working for this good cause, that of words around workshops, discoveries and events throughout the year. The word is an integral part of the city.


Created in 2005, its festival offers words in all their artistic, cultural and societal forms, in a great round where all ages come together. For 5 days, shows, concerts, events, sweet words but also truths, hard as the limestone of Notre-Dame, just to give voice to all words.


All information on the City of the Word website, with the programme of the festival “At the Four Corners of the Word”, every year at the end of May/early June.

“Format Raisins” – culture meets “terroir”


Format Raisins (grape format), a clever mix of culture and “terroir” (local produce). Take a good dose of classical, baroque or contemporary music and dance cooked up by renowned professionals, then enjoy on the spot. Concerts, shows, performances … in total, no less than 80 events on offer in July in the region. Yours to consume without moderation…


Learn more on the Format Raisins website.


Les Conviviales de Nannay, “Cinema Paradiso”


“Neither seen nor known”: not any more… Les Conviviales de Nannay have been around since 2000. These events are down to the motivation of the inhabitants of this small village with its rural cinema, standing up to the multiplexes, who have created the event thanks to the quality of short films and documentaries available during this festival. Les Conviviales is a bit “Cinema Paradiso”, an ode to the countryside, highlighting the symbiosis of art and rurality. A perfect marriage to which artists and directors are “invited” for an intimate encounter with a special, informed audience. A festival in two stages, three days spread around the La Charité area and a week in the heart of the village.


Learn more on Nannay website

Life in the pink with Blues in the Loire


A festival that’s had people seeing life in the pink for more than 15 years with its “blue” note. Big names, international acts dressed like toffs flock to the City of the Word where words take on a musical colour. From the priory to the café terraces, young ladies and others sing the blues to white out the greyness of everyday life during the third week of August. Oh! Yeah…

The association “Le Chat Musique” which organises Blues in the Loire also offers an annual programme.


All informations and program on Blues en Loire website

Let yourself be soothed with the 7 o’clock Impromptus


The upper echelons of classical music in a place where forges once pounded. The power hammer has made way for piano hammers, happily accompanied by wind instruments. Chamber music concerts where cultural intimacy takes on a new place among artists and music lovers. Yours to enjoy once a month from October to June, out in the countryside in a cosy nest away from the towns, which the venue’s host likes to call the “music salon”.


All the information you need on the website of the Domaine des Forges de la Vache.

Guérigny’s theatre revelation


The power hammers have fallen silent in the royal forges of Guérigny. And yet we can still hear them like an echo. Some kind of supernatural event? Does Babaud de la Chaussade’s ghost still inhabit the place? Or is it a sign the performance is about to start? Some kind of new twist! Yes and no… Let’s talk instead about a cultural renaissance.


To start with, it’s a family story, that of the Carambole Theatre troupe, which begins in 2004 in the huge hall of the Clocheton, a space made up of a stage, a clay floor and folding chairs. A little Molière… This human story would last ten years. From 2010, the restoration work on the venue was entrusted to architect Paul Barnoud (who also worked on La Charité’s Priory) and his eternal credo “the symbiosis between old and modern, keep what can be kept”. He just kept the walls and metal frames for a fabulous industrial vintage. Four years of work and then the “curtain-raiser” on 5 April 2014, with 145 seats, modular stage, lighting desk and all the logistics! Supported in parallel by the Association of the Royal Forges, the actors were now in residence…


The full programme of the Theatre of the Royal Forges

The “Musicales”, the soaring scores


The International Academy of Music is thirty years young. It remains inseparable from the “Musicales”, a music festival that pays tribute to classical and contemporary music, and especially young talent.


The head of artistic direction is the fabulous trumpeter Romain Leuleu, former Victoire de la Musique award winner, who through his music became the “spearhead” of these “Musicales”. With its great orchestras and high-flying concert artists, and of course, the string orchestra of the Garde Républicaine, this musical interlude has become an unmissable event in La Charité-sur-Loire.




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