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This site is owned by the association under law 1901 “Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office”

SIRET no.: 379 301 369 000 11

Editor: Chair of the tourist office


Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office

58 400 LA CHARITE-SUR-LOIRE – France

Tel: +33 (0)3 86 70 15 06

Email: contact@lacharitesurloire-tourisme.com

Website: www.lacharitesurloire-tourisme.com


The Tourist Office is classified Category II and belongs to the network of Tourist Offices of France®. It undertakes to:

– provide you with an easily accessible reception and information space,

– provide you with an adviser for your stay,

– facilitate your visit,

– inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer,

– provide a permanent reception service run by staff who speak at least two foreign languages,

– provide paper-based tourist maps, tourist plans and guides,

– give you access to its trilingual website,

– also publish its tourist information on paper, translated into at least 2 foreign languages relating to all classified tourist accommodation with at least the name of the establishment, postal contact information, e-mail, website address, phone contact details, classification level; cultural, natural or leisure monuments and tourist sites, which may include an indication of usage costs, periods and times of opening to the public, the website and telephone and postal contact information; events and entertainment; and emergency phone numbers.

– offer you free wifi access,

– present the full qualified offer for its area of intervention for all customers,

– ensure the information on the local tourism offer is reliable and up-to-date,

– update its tourism information annually,

– be open at least 240 days a year, Saturday and Sunday included, during tourist and event periods,

– display and disseminate its opening periods expressed in at least two foreign languages,

– respond year-round to your e-mails,

– offer you furniture to sit on,

– display emergency phone numbers outside,

– follow a quality approach,

– deal with your complaints and measure your satisfaction.


The graphic design and technical transcription on the Internet were carried out by the DAVI agency. The site is hosted by the DAVI agency.


The tourist information database and its transformation into a search portal internal to the site are managed using Tourinsoft software developed by the company Faire Savoir.


Insurance and professional civil liability are underwritten by the Groupama agency of La Charité-sur-Loire.

English translation carried out by Colin Roger, German translation carried out by Katrin Pabion.



Technical information


The user of this website acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills to access this site, use it and to have verified that the computer configuration used contains no viruses and is in perfect working order.


The user acknowledges having been informed that this site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of cases of force majeure, difficulties related to the structure of communication networks or technical difficulties.


The Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for any difficulties in connecting to the Internet network or viewing the pages of the site. The Internet user acknowledges being aware of the differences in the interpretation of Internet pages by the various navigation software present on the market.


For maintenance reasons, the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office may interrupt operation of the site. It reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without obligation, to remove, improve or correct all or part of the elements/services appearing on its site. The Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office makes every effort to provide users with information and/or tools available and verified, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its site.



Protecting personal data, computers and freedom


The information that can be collected within the context of this site is used for processing the request for which it is necessary and allows us to inform the Internet user about the news and commercial offers of the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office and/or those of our partners by email. This information is intended for the exclusive use of the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office and will not be transmitted under any circumstances to third parties without the user’s consent.


In accordance with the Computer Law of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, users have the right to access and correct information concerning them, which they can exercise. Users can object to the processing of their data by contacting the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office using the details above.



Content and information


The information on this site comes from multiple sources. It is collected by the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office. It is given for indicative purposes only and cannot engage the responsibility of its authors. To avoid any challenge, it is advisable to have the conditions of your stay and reservation clarified by your chosen provider.





The presence of hyperlinks to other sites is not a guarantee of the quality of the content and smooth operation of these sites. The Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites. The Internet user should use this information with caution.

Putting a hyperlink to such sites is subject to prior authorisation. The responsibility of the Tourist Office cannot be incurred in any way by the existence of a link to its site from a third-party site. The Tourist Office does not control the content of external links or contacts to which they may refer.



Copyright and reproduction


The editorial content of this site was written by the services of the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges tourist office.


All the content (photos, texts, videos etc) are owned by the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office and/or its partners. Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without the express permission of the Loire, Nièvre and Bertranges Tourist Office.


Photo credits :

Al Naddaf, M. Akosz, G. Badet, M. Bridoux, M. Capelas, P. François, B.-N. Chagny, C. Goupi, E. Grivot, B. Hubert, F. Jeannot, C. Jorandon, A. Maillier, P. de Saint-Ours, P. Régnier, V. Sallé-Seutin, C. Seguin, Town of La Charité-sur-Loire, Town of Prémery, Town of Guérigny and all partners, providers and organisers of events or festival within the territory of the community of communes of Les Bertranges and our colleagues and institutional departmental and regional partners.



© 2019 Office de tourisme La Charité-sur-Loire, Bertranges, Val de Nièvres

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